Academic Center

Daily Routine

  • All Students must possess identity card, school-dairy, text-books, note-books and relevant stationery along with them everyday.
  • All students must come to school in neat and tidy uniform.
  • Any material (magazines, mobiles, etc.) not relevant to the everyday studies will be confiscated if brought to school.
  • The working hours for the day are 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (which can be changed as per the management's decision.
  • Make it a habit to read the Notice Board daily.


  • Admission is on the basis of a written test that may be followed by an interview.
  • Students must obey their House Captain and other volunteers on duty.
  • School bus users must follow the instructions of driver and conductor.
  • Students are required to appear in the Terminal Examinations and Unit Tests conducted every year.


  • 75% attendance is essential for promotion to the next class.
  • No leave is granted except on prior application form parents/ Guardians for genuine reason.
  • In case of sickness, a medical certificate of a registered Doctor has to be submitted.
  • A student returning to the school after suffering from an infectious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him to rejoin the school.
  • Unauthorized absence is also considered a serious misconduct and may incur disciplinary action.
  • It is compulsory for a student to attend the school on the first and last day after the Summer Vacation/ Puja Vacation and Winter Vacation.


  • Students must not indulge in any sort of disruptive activities.
  • Any damage to school-property by the student will be borne by the parent/guardian of student concerned.
  • School reserves the right to take severe action against ins disciplinary acts of the student.