Code of conduct for students

The School follows certain norms rather rigidly in the best interest of learner.

  • The Warning bell before a class or assembly is a signal for all to go the assembly or to their respective class rooms. This should be done promptly and in silence. As soon as they are in their classes, Students must get their books ready for the period.
  • Students shod be habitually clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Students who are not in proper uniform will not be allowed to enter their class room.
  • Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence from school habitual late coming, disobedience, showing disrespect to teachers and any type of unruly and objectionable behavior are considered grave acts of indiscipline which may lead to expulsion from the school.
  • While moving in the corridors, or using staircase, students should walk in a line and keep to their left, running in the corridors, pushing other children etc. Will not be tolerated. Changing or class rooms between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.
  • Students are expected to take proper care of the school property. They should not mishandle damage or break expensive electronic items or any item of furniture or electrical fittings; otherwise the students will have to pay the full cost of concerned item along with heavy fine.
  • Students should not write, scratcher engraves graffiti on desk, chairs and other and surface, those indulging in such nefarious activities are liable too strict disciplinary action.
  • Loitering in the school reception is strictly forbidden.
  • It is compulsory for all students to attend the assembly. Not students shall stay back in the class during assembly without prior permission from the class Teacher/ Incharge/ Principal.
  • Coming late to the class especially after lunch break, games period of any other activity lesion is not allowed.
  • The campus language (English) must be under any circumstances.
  • Use of abusive and filthy language in the school will invariably result in suspension of the students.
  • Students of SUFIA Public School must respect to all elders and should love younger students. They should stand when any visitors or teachers to talk to them.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instrument like blades, knives etc. to school campus
  • No other literature, other than school books or library books shall be brought to school.
  • Burning crackers or splashing color during Diwali/ Holi in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Non-compliance of these instruction will lead to expulsion from the school.
  • Students must maintain the clean & green beautiful surroundings of the school campus and should not deface it with toffee wrappers, disposable tumblers, poly packs etc.
  • They should not pluck flowers or uproot plants in the lawns.
  • They should take good care of their health and keep themselves robust and strong.
  • Care must be taken of all school property and so student should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs of damage any school furniture or write of draw anything on the wall or in any way damage things belonging to other. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or concerning in charger or the Principal.
  • Any damage one will be compensated by the concerned students, together with a fine imposed on them for such an offence.
  • The school reserves for itself the right to terminate the schooling of any students for unsatisfactory progress in studies or against bad conduct.
  • Rules of Attendance:

    No students shall absent himself from the class without prior permission of the class teacher. If prior permission cannot be had on the ground health or unforeseen circumstances an application for leave shall sent to the class teacher not later than the following day.

    Application for leave shall be signed by the parents. Applications leave for a period not exceeding three days shall be sent to the class teacher and for a longer period to the Principal.

    Applications for leave on medical ground for more than three days shall inevitably be supported by medical certificate.

    No student shall be eligible for promotion unless he or she puts in an attendance of80%of the total number of working days in the whole year.

    Broken leave will be granted by the Principal only.

  • Transfer:

    A nominal fee is charged for transfer certificate or School Leave certificate.

    School Fees must be paid up to the month of the issue of T.C/SLC .

    The transfer certificate is sued only after an applications is submitted the parents/guardian three days before the working days and students having clearance for library laboratory and sports items .

    Duplicate T.C. or SLC is issued only when the Principal is satisfied that Original is lost or damage. An additional charge of Rs. 200/- is to be pay for Duplicate T.C. /SLC.

  • A Child may be removed from the school grounds:

    Owing to non-payment of the school-fee after the completion of two months.

    Owing to the failure of the students for more than two consecutive years in a class.

    Against bad conduct of nuisance committed against any staff or students of the school.