Guidelines for Students

Guidelines for Students :

  • All students must possess school diary, textbooks, note books and stationery etc.
  • Students must come in school in proper uniform.
  • These must be clean, neat and tidy.
  • Books, magazines and articles (other than those required for every studies.) brought to the school are liable to be confiscated.
  • Students should be regular in attendance.
  • Students are advised not to bring valuable articles to the school. The school will not be responsible for any goods lost.
  • Students should obey House captain and other students in duty.
  • The school bus users must meticulously follow the rules and the instruction of the Conductor / Driver.
  • Application for leave must be submitted a day in advance duly countersigned by the parent / guardian.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the school in working hours unless the parents/Guardians whose signatures are on the admission form and school diary come in person.
  • School identity card must be with the student on all working days.
  • Students should not indulge in disruptive activities.
  • Any damage to school property by the students will have to be borne by the student’s parents / Guardians.
  • The school reserves the right to take severe action and to even remove the name from the school rolls of the students who are found guilty of misconduct.