Guidelines for Parents

Guidelines for Parents :

Parent Teacher contact and Co-operation are essential for complete and harmonious development of the student’s personality. Constant vigilance on the part of the parents/ Guardians pay rich dividends. Please observe the following points in the interest of your wards;

  • Please use the school dairy as a means of communication with the school by checking the remarks, if any made by the teacher.
  • Please see that your ward has all the textbooks, items of stationery, craft material before leaving for school.
  • Please ensure that your ward comes to school in proper school uniform.
  • Please let your child not be absent from the school without proper written leave application.
  • Please do attend parents Teacher meeting.
  • Please sign the test copies / paper as and when sent home.
  • Please intimate the change of address or telephone number to the School office
  • Please meet the teacher with prior appointment at the school. Please do not go into the classroom to discuss problems as it disturbs the academic atmosphere of the office.
  • In case you wish to send lunch-box, water bottle to your ward, please channel the same through the office.
  • Please do not send money or valuable articles with the students. The school shall take no responsibility in case they are lost.
  • Please do not send the fee money with the Driver, conductor or any other member of the school staff.