
Significance of morning assemblies for a child’s development
Morning assembly is an integral part of the school’s schedule. Almost all the schools conduct morning assemblies which include prayers, information of latest happenings, inspiring thoughts, speech, national anthem, etc. A good school is always particular about their morning assembly schedule. However, some parents, as well as students, consider morning assemblies as a total waste of time. In fact, few students are always in a lookout to find excuses to escape from the morning assembly. But, morning assembly is important for a child’s development.

It is essential to understand that morning assembly is not just about standing in long queues and singing prayers or national anthem, but it’s something beyond just prayers. All the activities carried out in morning assembly by the school staff and students have a great influence in every point of life. The positive effects of attending school assemblies can be felt throughout life. Some of the benefits of morning assemblies for students:

Learn valuable lessons
The headmaster or the principal addresses all the students and give valuable moral teachings for life. This speech of principal is the thing that can change the perspective of students. Each and every word of this speech is the reflection of the experience and values of the school. When students endure these experiences, it helps them to lead a successful life. This morning speech/address from the principal acts as a strong pillar in the moral development of students.

Confidence building
School assemblies also consist of news report reading or thoughts delivering. Some schools also encourage the students to showcase small play delivering some meaningful lesson. All these activities, give a chance to every student to be a part of school activities. In this way, confidence is built in the students.