Behavior In The School Campus

The school realizes that effective student discipline can best be achieved and maintained through the cooperative efforts, of parents, educators’ students and other community members. Each has to right to expect a wholesome atmosphere that is conducive to learning. Such acclimate can best be created where efforts are made to move student toward responsible self-discipline. The school will not allow a small percentage of students to disrupt the learning activities. The school has a responsibility to inform students of their rights and responsibilities; students are responsible for knowing and abiding the rules and regulations at the school; parents are responsible for helping their children understand the policy.

OFFENSE Minimum Penalty Maximum Penalty
Assaulting or threatening to assault or abuse any student or school employee 1-10 day suspension Expulsion from school
Using an electronic communication device on the school campus during normal school hours unless specifically exempted by the admission for health or other compelling reasons. Warning &confiscation of device Expulsion from school
Possession of any firearm knife club explosive and/or incendiary device razor or anything that could be used as a weapon. 10 day suspension Expulsion from school
Possession, transfer use of tobacco or tobacco products. 7 days in school suspension Expulsion from school
Possession use being under the influence offering for sale or transferring any beverage containing alcohol. 15 day suspension Expulsion from school
Possession or transfer of drug related paraphernalia. 15 day suspension Expulsion from school
Possession , use (including being under the influence of a drug) offering for sale, or transferring of a controlled substance and/ or drugs Expulsion from school Expulsion from school
Possession, use or distribution prescription medication (prescribed to the student) without authorization from the school nurse. Warning Expulsion from school
Possession use or distribution of non-perception medication. Warning Expulsion from school
Possession use being under the influence offering for sale or transfer of drug look-a-like products or analogs. 10 day suspension Expulsion from school
Possession use being under the influence (inhaling) products such as solvents aerosols nitrates or anesthetics which are not Manufactured for the purpose of inhalation. 10 day suspension Expulsion from school
Will fully or intentionally damaging destroying or stealing school property. 7 day suspension with restitution Expulsion from school
Minor offenses detention violation digital electronic devices display of affection distribution of unapproved petitions or other printed matter dress code violation failure to identity, gambling, tardy, unauthorized possession of laser pointers/ lights, violation of established school or class room rules and regulations which may not be expressly listed in this policy, and other disruptive behavior. Warning Expulsion from school
Major offenses: arson assault and/or battery of another student bullying cheating/ plagiarism, disrespect, extortion, fighting, fireworks gang related activities harassment/hazing indecent exposure insubordination, mob action, profane or obscene language or gestures, sexual harassment, sexual , misconduct theft truancy vehicle violations, violation of any statutory or constitutional regulations and other disruptive behavior. Detention Expulsion from school

Note :

  • Prior to any suspension the student will receive an explanation of the intended suspension and shall be given reasonable opportunity to present information that might argue against suspension.
  • The school will attempt to notify the student’s parent or legal guardian of the suspension and shall indicate how the student is to leave the school.
  • Written notice of any suspension shall be and delivered or forwarded to the student’s parents or guardians as soon as possible at the best-non address for them. Such notice shall include statement of the reasons for and conditions of the suspension.
  • Parents may appeal suspension decisions to the school principal however the decision of school principal will be final.
  • Expulsion is a major punishment and will be taken in case of repeated offensive behavior or an intolerable behavior. The parents should understand that the action has been taken considering the well-being and good atmosphere of school.
  • Every penalty mentioned in table will also be accompanied with a monetary fine which will be decided by the school management.

Any disciplinary action would follow the bellow mentioned process.